assist. Vanja Čok PhD.

Workplace: researcher phd
Phone: +386 1 4771 415
Office: 416

Short CV

Vanja Cok has finished her Bachelor degree in Industrial Design at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She received her PhD in 2015 from Faculty of Mechanical engineering in Ljubljana. She is an assistant and researcher in LECAD laboratory. Her main research interest are Product Development processes, Engineering design, Kansei engineering methodology, User experience, Shape grammar, Cultural Differences in Design, Emotions and Design, User-centered Design. Other field of her work is 3D modeling (CAD).


2021-2022 Design of battery power water jet device
2016-2017 Development and installation of a charging station for electric aircraft


2024 The clock is ticking : understanding the ‘mixed feelings’ about fusion energy in Europe
2023 Team decision making considering uncertainty in data visualisation
2023 Fabric attractiveness using four sensory evaluators
2023 Emotions and fashion: how garments induce feelings to the sensory system
2022 Methodology for mapping form design elements with user preferences using Kansei engineering and VDI
2022 Assessment and semantic categorization of fabric visual texture preferences
2022 Exploring the KEER knowledge landscape over the past decade
2022 Storyboards as an engineering tool for extraction of functional requirements
2022 Exploring color attractiveness and its relevance to fashion
2021 VR as a 3D modelling tool in engineering design applications
2020 An investigation into 2D and 3D shapes perception
2018 Creative path to practical knowledge : case of a triple helix framework
2017 Correlation between team composition and team performance in virtual student product development teams
2016 Exploration of usersʼ cross-cultural differences by using the Kansei engineering approach : chapter 6
2015 Comparison of Indian and Central European shape contour meaning comprehension
2015 Multicultural issues of product development education in virtual teams
2015 Implementacija kansei inženiringa v razvojno-konstrukcijski proces = Integration of kansei engineering into product development process
2015 Informacijska platforma za razvoj pohištva za preventivno in rehabilitacijsko vadbo na domu
2014 Study on cultural differences of usersʼ perception towards shape characteristics
2013 Integrating the Kansei engineering into the design golden loop development process
2012 Implementation matrix of function and functionality in product development process
2011 Modularity solutions within a matrix of function and functionality (MFF)
2011 Modularity within a matrix of function and functionality (MFF)


2023 Metodika konstruiranja -2. PAP : učno gradivo za vaje pri predmetu Metodika konstruiranja 2. letnik PAP
2023 Metodika konstruiranja 2. Letnik, RRP : učno gradivo za vaje pri predmetu Metodika konstruiranja 2. letnik RRP
2015 Uvod v kansei inženiring : pomemben dejavnik pri razvoju izdelka


2015 Implementacija kansei inženiringa v razvojno- konstrukcijski proces : doktorsko delo
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